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Synergy 2, I'm lost on where to go.

John Haro

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Sorry, there are so many threads on this I don't even know where to start or what to search for.

I installed Synergy 2 on both a PC Windows 10 (which was my server) and on a Mac OS (which was a client).  On the PC Windows 10 all I get is a single green box in the middle with the PC's name on it.  On the Mac I get 2 grey boxes, one with the Mac's name and the other with the PC's name.  But I can't do anything with either of them on either computer.  I click on them and they just click but nothing happens.  I get no configuration screen and no menus, so I have no idea on what to do.  I had to go back to 1.8 for now, just so I could continue on with my normal days work.

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There is no help button yet. The beta 4 is an incompletely developed test version for beta testers to try and report back about. It's really frustrating for the first use after using the stable version 1.

The Stickies at the top of this Beta Access Forum have troubleshooting guides. Beta 4 is a little difficult with some MAC systems and really hates most Linux distros. 

The guides to start with are:  https://symless.com/synergy-2-beta4-troubleshooting

and   https://symless.com/forums/topic/4167-preliminary-troubleshooting/


The hotkeys you will want to use are the tilde ~ to open the log to read and/or send to us. the F12 key to force one side or the other to be the server. The hotkey you DON'T want to accidentally use is the scroll-lock which locks your cursor on a single screen.

Let us know your progress.


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I was stuck in a situation where both PCs were green, which I assume means "Connected" but I was unable to control both with my mouse. After cycling through hosts using the F12 key mentioned above things started working again. Thanks for the tip @KringleKrebs :)

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