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Native keyboard shortcuts not working

A. Elaine Van Der Wall

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A. Elaine Van Der Wall

Sorry if this has been posted before, but I didn't see it in a quick forum search. I have a Windows 64-bit master and an OSX Sierra slave and just installed Synergy 2 this morning. The two machines connected and working well as far as the mouse and usual keyboard function go, except a few of my frequently-used keyboard shortcuts aren't working. On the Windows machine, I use Alt + Ctrl + Win + (number) to switch monitor profiles. On the Mac, I use Ctrl + (Numpad) to move between spaces. Are these types of shortcuts not supported quite yet in the beta version? Thanks!

A. Elaine Van Der Wall

Oh geez, ignore me. The shortcuts are fine, I triggered my numlock by accident for the first time in literally years. 


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