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Synergy 2 Crash on Company Network (may be for SSL Proxy cert)


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I have tried Synergy 2 on my home network. it seems like working properly

But in my company network just after launch, it crashes.

My blind guess is it may occur due to SSL proxy certificate issue. (before crash it shows some connection related issue).

Sorry I can not upload crash log or screenshot here due to company policy. 


But please provide a mechanism for installing CA root certificate in Synergy. 

I'll try to add company root certificate in OpenSSL folder tomorrow and let you know to the update. 

But even if it doesn't work please add an option for that. Because Blue Coat SSL certificate is quite common in the Corporate network. 


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I have tried to put cacert.pem in OpenSSL folder

and tried to add root cert in Synergy.pem in AppData 

but no luck

before the crash, it shows unable to connect to the cloud.

So please add an option for adding root certificate like firefox. 


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