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Linux + Windows Problem


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sudo systemctl start synergy.service
yournalctl -xe
paź 12 10:52:27 212PC1400020 systemd-coredump[3203]: Process 3201 (synergyd) of user 0 dumped core.
                                                      Stack trace of thread 3201:
                                                      #0  0x00007fb6df5398a0 raise (libc.so.6)
                                                      #1  0x00007fb6df53af09 abort (libc.so.6)
                                                      #2  0x00007fb6dfeadd77 _ZN9__gnu_cxx27__verbose_terminate_handlerEv (libstdc++.so.6)
                                                      #3  0x00007fb6dfeab8e6 _ZN10__cxxabiv111__terminateEPFvvE (libstdc++.so.6)
                                                      #4  0x00007fb6dfeab933 _ZSt9terminatev (libstdc++.so.6)
                                                      #5  0x00007fb6dfeabb88 __cxa_throw (libstdc++.so.6)
                                                      #6  0x0000000000550ed0 n/a (synergyd)
                                                      #7  0x0000000000578339 n/a (synergyd)
                                                      #8  0x0000000000549ce9 n/a (synergyd)
                                                      #9  0x000000000040dd8e n/a (synergyd)
                                                      #10 0x00007fb6df525f6a __libc_start_main (libc.so.6)
                                                      #11 0x0000000000418b59 n/a (synergyd)

When I run it via `sudo synergyd` it's working but in log i have:

[2017-10-12T10:51:31] error: can't send profile snapshot, not yet received from cloud

I think there's a problem with connection to synergy global server - it can be caused by our corporational firewall. Is there a way to add clients offline?


LINUX (Arch Linux) log: https://synergy-logs.symless.com/2017-10-12/6871-2017-10-12T10-59-35.log

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Kacper, neat override. There are several Arch Linux users posting on this forum. 

Unfortunately, beta 4 just doesn't like Linux distros. Beyond Nick's early troubleshooting comments: https://symless.com/synergy-2-beta4-troubleshooting there's just not much to offer except to wait for beta 5. It should drop in the next couple of weeks.

The lack of operability on Linux was a big disappoint for beta 4 and the promise is that whole layers of code had to be removed/rewritten to correct it. Meantime, many of us, Linux users, have dropped back to the more stable version 1.

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I think the override should point to your user's home directory rather than root. See the thread re openSuSE, and another re Arch Linux for more discussion.

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7 minutes ago, Rodney Baker said:

I think the override should point to your user's home directory rather than root. See the thread re openSuSE, and another re Arch Linux for more discussion.

yeh, you shouldnt use the roots home directorty. using the /home/${user} isnt correct ether, but its where it should be stored right now as its the users config and not roots.

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Agreed. The config should be in /etc/synergy, or /usr/etc/synergy, or /var/lib/synergy...

My personal preference would be the historically correct /etc/synergy, but the LSB spec says otherwise now, I believe. Probably best follow the LSB spec for the widest possible compatibility, as long as it is well documented. :)

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What I've found - without logs:

  • There's no option to connect two PCs without internet
  • Problem with cards with multiples IP (Windows and Linux)
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