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Synergy 2 and Teamviewer


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I wrote here yesterday that I'm only seeing one PC on my WIndows machine while seeing both computes on my MacBook. This might be related to Teamviewer which was running on my WIndows machine. Problem is, with Synergy 2 installed, Teamviewer does not work anymore. It can't connect. This is really a deal-breaker for me (and I guess for some more) because I have to use Teamviewer in my daily work.

Maybe you could look into that :)

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There was an issue with synergy 1 and teamviewer where if you TV to a pc you were also connected to with synergy, they would fight for control of the mouse. 

Use case was at work i have my laptop and desktop, but pick up my laptop for meetings but have all my work on the desktop so just TV to desktop for presentations.

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