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Error: can't send profile snapshot, not yet received from cloud

Matt Seymour

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Symless team, I am getting the following errors when running the synergy software. Please can you advise?

Running Ubuntu 17.04 w. Gnome Desktop


[2017-10-11T14:08:27] error: can't send profile snapshot, not yet received from cloud
TX message (4 octets) ...
TX message: yield [2, {}]
RX preparing to receive message ..
TX message (113 octets) ...
TX message: publish [8, {}, "synergy.service.log", ["[2017-10-11T14:08:27] error: can't send profile snapshot, not yet received from cloud\n"]]
[wamp_message_processor.cpp:47][process_message] processing message: yield
[wamp_dealer.cpp:424][process_yield_message] session [7090515283965860,default,open], yield [2, {}, null, null]
[wamp_dealer.cpp:465][process_yield_message] session [7090515283965860,default,open], result [7, {}, null, null]
[rawsocket_transport.cpp:39][send_message] sending message: result
[wamp_message_processor.cpp:47][process_message] processing message: publish
[wamp_broker.cpp:111][process_publish_message] session [7090515283965860,default,open], publish [8, {}, synergy.service.log, ["[2017-10-11T14:08:27] error: can't send profile snapshot, not yet received from cloud\n"], null]
[wamp_broker.cpp:149][process_publish_message] session [2257228500326156,default,open], event [2, 173663057434166, {}, ["[2017-10-11T14:08:27] error: can't send profile snapshot, not yet received from cloud\n"], null]
[rawsocket_transport.cpp:39][send_message] sending message: event


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Additional logs:

[ Config  ] [2017-10-11T15:19:19] INFO: log filename: /home/matt/.config/Symless/Synergy/synergy.log
[ Config  ] [2017-10-11T15:19:19] DEBUG: connecting to service
[ Config  ] [2017-10-11T15:19:19] DEBUG: new added screen pos: 257 161
[ Config  ] [2017-10-11T15:19:20] DEBUG: Profile ID: **** name: default
[ Config  ] [2017-10-11T15:19:20] DEBUG: current version is update to date
[ Config  ] [2017-10-11T15:19:20] DEBUG: requesting profile snapshot
[ Config  ] [2017-10-11T15:19:38] ERROR: Reply status code: 400
[ Config  ] [2017-10-11T15:19:38] ERROR: Reply error message: Invalid JSON request: bad numeric conversion: negative overflow


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I'm not one of the devs, but if the logs are comprehensive enough it does appear that you are connecting to the service, however the json supplied is being rejected by the server.

If this is indeed the case your firewall and router are properly set up, but something about the message being sent is just not being accepted. The error "Invalid JSON request: bad numeric conversion: negative overflow" is more than likely synergy specific lingo that the devs would be able to decipher, rather than a framework response that I could help with.\

Do you have any experience with fiddler or wireshark? Either one would help show what is being sent, and may help determine what is causing the problem.

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