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Uploaded log files as per troubleshooting guide

Christian Nielsen

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Christian Nielsen

Desired Server - ZAWWS027 - log file uploaded as https://synergy-logs.symless.com/2017-10-11/2498-2017-10-11T09-59-36.log

Desired Client - ZAWLT012 - log file uploaded as https://synergy-logs.symless.com/2017-10-11/2498-2017-10-11T10-02-54.log

Both are Windows 10 Pro (64 bit Build 1703)
Both have Symantec Endpoint Protection installed (firewall disabled for testing Synergy2)
Both have Malwarebytes Anti-Malware installed
Windows Firewall is switched off on both

Cannot get Client and Server to work together.
Have restarted services on both machines after disabling all firewalls on local machines.
Have tried alternating the client and server role on teh two machines.


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