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Synergy 2 doesn't start on Arch Linux


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Without synergyd started:

% synergy2
"[ Config  ] [2017-10-10T19:48:06] INFO: log filename: /home/user/.config/Symless/Synergy/synergy.log" 

QObject::startTimer: Timers cannot have negative intervals
"[ Config  ] [2017-10-10T19:48:06] DEBUG: connecting to service" 

QGLXContext: Failed to create dummy context
qrc:/ActivationPage.qml:65:21: QML Image: Binding loop detected for property "sourceSize.height"
Failed to create OpenGL context for format QSurfaceFormat(version 2.0, options QFlags<QSurfaceFormat::FormatOption>(), depthBufferSize 24, redBufferSize -1, greenBufferSize -1, blueBufferSize -1, alphaBufferSize -1, stencilBufferSize 8, samples -1, swapBehavior QSurfaceFormat::SwapBehavior(DoubleBuffer), swapInterval 1, profile  QSurfaceFormat::OpenGLContextProfile(NoProfile)) 
[1]    12690 abort (core dumped)  synergy2

With synergyd started:

% synergy2
"[ Config  ] [2017-10-10T19:55:59] INFO: log filename: /home/user/.config/Symless/Synergy/synergy.log" 

QObject::startTimer: Timers cannot have negative intervals
"[ Config  ] [2017-10-10T19:55:59] DEBUG: connecting to service" 

RawSocket handshake reply received
connect successful: valid handshake
RX preparing to receive message ..
TX message (126 octets) ...
TX message: hello ["default", {"authid":"", "roles":{"subscriber":{}, "publisher":{}, "caller":{"features":{"call_timeout":true}}, "callee":{"features":{"call_timeout":true}}}, "authmethods":[]}]
RX message (85 octets) ...
RX message received.
RX message: welcome [2257228500326156, {"roles":{"dealer":{"features":{"call_timeout":true, "progressive_call_results":true}}, "broker":{}}}]
"[ Config  ] [2017-10-10T19:55:59] DEBUG: connected to service" 

RX preparing to receive message ..
TX message (21 octets) ...
TX message: subscribe [1, {}, "synergy.core.log"]
TX message (24 octets) ...
TX message: subscribe [2, {}, "synergy.service.log"]
TX message (26 octets) ...
TX message: subscribe [3, {}, "synergy.screen.status"]
TX message (25 octets) ...
TX message: subscribe [4, {}, "synergy.screen.error"]
TX message (29 octets) ...
TX message: subscribe [5, {}, "synergy.profile.snapshot"]
RX message (4 octets) ...
RX message received.
RX message: subscribed [1, 1]
RX preparing to receive message ..
RX message (4 octets) ...
RX message received.
RX message: subscribed [2, 2]
RX preparing to receive message ..
RX message (4 octets) ...
RX message received.
RX message: subscribed [3, 3]
RX preparing to receive message ..
RX message (4 octets) ...
RX message received.
RX message: subscribed [4, 4]
RX preparing to receive message ..
RX message (4 octets) ...
RX message received.
RX message: subscribed [5, 5]
RX preparing to receive message ..
QGLXContext: Failed to create dummy context
qrc:/ActivationPage.qml:65:21: QML Image: Binding loop detected for property "sourceSize.height"
Failed to create OpenGL context for format QSurfaceFormat(version 2.0, options QFlags<QSurfaceFormat::FormatOption>(), depthBufferSize 24, redBufferSize -1, greenBufferSize -1, blueBufferSize -1, alphaBufferSize -1, stencilBufferSize 8, samples -1, swapBehavior QSurfaceFormat::SwapBehavior(DoubleBuffer), swapInterval 1, profile  QSurfaceFormat::OpenGLContextProfile(NoProfile)) 
[1]    13047 abort (core dumped)  synergy2


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Unfortunately, beta 4 just doesn't like Linux distros. Beyond Nick's early troubleshooting comments: https://symless.com/synergy-2-beta4-troubleshooting  there's just not much to offer except to wait for beta 5. It should drop in the next couple of weeks. 

The lack of operability on Linux was a big disappoint for beta 4 and the promise is that whole layers of code had to be removed/rewritten to correct it. Meantime, many of us, Linux users, have dropped back to the more stable version 1.

A few have opted for refunds@symless.com .



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  • 3 weeks later...

RC1 is out on AUR, ive had to reboot my laptop after instaling over beta 4. On my PC I could use it right away after removing beta 4 first(to test if it would install on fresh system, figured it  would be the best)

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oh and if you really want the latest version, you can edit the pkgbuild to link to somewhere you host the .deb, and copy make sure there is nothing done with the .install script(or edit it yourself)

@Nick Bolton, I know ive said this a million times, but having private(downloadable) cloud servers is really nice. you can even have people using an outdated client, as long as they have the same version cloud server. + offline usage, + users can have full control if they want to.

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  • Synergy Team
17 minutes ago, jaap aarts said:

@Nick Bolton, I know ive said this a million times, but having private(downloadable) cloud servers is really nice. you can even have people using an outdated client, as long as they have the same version cloud server. + offline usage, + users can have full control if they want to.

This is planned for 2.1, but could also be in 2.2.

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