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Synergy 2 on Raspberry Pi 2 or 3


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Has anyone had any luck installing Synergy 2 Beta on a Raspberry Pi?  I am running Raspian Stretch. I primarily use Synergy between my Windows/Mac/Pi.  The non-beta I can just apt-get but it doesn't seem to like the architecture of either the .deb or .rpm installer. Tried converting with no luck.  Thanks in advance for the help. 


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I know nothing about using a Pi. I'm going to hide and watch to see if you get other users to reply. I'll be interested to learn.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I just tried compiling from the synergy-core in git on my pi 3 with ubuntu mate; which does not appear to work. 

We will need the source archive for 2.0.5 to compile (like for 1.x), or for the synergy-core to be updated to a compatible version, i think


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sorry, i'm new and i just read that the synergy2 is closed source so no source archive will be available i guess, and synergy-core may then not be compatible with synergy 2. 

can we request a .deb package compiled for the armhf architecture so it can be used with the raspberry pi? 

The primary use of synergy for me is to interact with a couple of raspberry pi's and the amd64 architecture is the only one available for ubuntu or debian. 

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  • Synergy Team
12 hours ago, revere521 said:

ok, thanks sir, back to 1.8.8 - i will wait and see if you release a package or code we can compile for the pi sometime soon

We do plan to support it, but maybe not until 2.2.

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