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Duplicate client and unable to open GUI

silent (e)

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Noticing a couple of weird things today.

First, I can't connect between my two Macs.  Two… Macs.  The Synergy app is showing three where it appears one of them is duplicated.  See attached screenshot.  This just started today.  It has persisted between a reboot of one of the machines and numerous daemon restarts.

The part of the name I CAN see is identical.  Suggestion, a hover modal that shows you the entire name.  And maybe differentiating the computer that is acting as server.


The second thing I noticed is that I cannot open the GUI when there's a `Synergy` process already running.  Force killing that process then manually running the Synergy.app brings up the GUI.  I was able to do this before which resulted in two `Synergy` processes in Activity Monitor.


Screen Shot 2017-10-09 at 11.43.41 AM.png

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Update: I just found the ~/Library/Synergy/synergy.conf file and it appears that the reason I'm seeing multiple "webmon…" machines is my laptop has two different names.  Guessing based on being connected to the ethernet or wifi network here at work.

I tried removing one of the entries and restarting everything but on starting the gui, I'm still seeing three devices.  I even moved the synergy.conf file out of that directory and restarted everything.  No change.  And the synergy.conf file isn't recreated.

Super puzzled.

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It's getting silly now.  I have a _fourth_ screen appearing now and it's using my netbios name.  REALLY hoping beta5 has a way of figuring out that all these extra screens are the same computer.

And I'm still not able to connect.


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Finally after killing the process today I'm connecting to the netbios screen.  One of the other screens that the same laptop as the netbios named screen is showing green too.

We need some sort of manual/readme that explains what's going on in the gui.


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I agree this is really strange. The only time I've seen these 'breadcrumb' screens is when the user has (me in one instance) changed the name of a computer. I and others have just moved them out of the way and continued on.

But yours look like they are multiplying like rabbits!

I have so little MAC experience I am going to have to just watch this thread for others to offer solutions. 

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Little more info. This laptop, as I'm sure many do, connects to a couple of networks over the course of the day.  Home and work… Sometimes over Wi-Fi and sometimes over Ethernet.  Our work also recently had an internal outage, which is when the netbios name screen appeared.

I don't know enough about networking to know how jumping networks, dns settings, etc affects computer names.  I know I can ssh to this laptop using different names at home.  Sometimes as `name.local` and sometimes as `name.attlocal.net`.  And then at work I've also found names matching our DNS search domain values, `name.company.local` for instance, where our DNS search domain is `company.local`.

Hoping this info helps a little.  Today I'm connecting just fine again, despite having three different config entries for this laptop.

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