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Synergy 2 and Arch Linux


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despite having not received any more answers or whatever to my last(and only) issue over here, I'm thinking of buying into the beta. You asked if and if so which Linux distribution your users are using by sending a survey link some days ago.

So yes I am using Linux and my only question is if Synergy 2 is going to be well supported on Arch Linux as I do not tend to move away from this distribution any time soon.

Also I'd like to know if I would not get served off with a "it's running for me" comment only if I pay for Synergy and am asking for help with an issue because quite honestly this just sucks.

Kind regards

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they are looking into arch linux support, right now there is a AUR package. its ported from the ubuntu package but works as "intended"(not really working, thats just the beta)

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Alrighty. I don't really care about the details of where it's coming from or whatever, I just want it to work flawlessly. Once released and finished of course, not expecting this in beta stage.


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