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1.7.3 Not Working

Brian Pauley

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Brian Pauley
Not sure if anyone else is having this issue but since I have updated to 1.7.3 I can't connect to any of my clients from my server any longer. My Server is a Mac running OS X 10.10. NOTE: starting server NOTE: config file: /var/folders/w4/g1gbzz812vx3y7hk21bhpj1c0000gn/T/Synergy.ux2007 NOTE: log level: INFO INFO: drag and drop enabled NOTE: started server, waiting for clients 2015-06-01 11:29:38.421 synergys[2014:152076] starting cocoa loop NOTE: accepted client connection INFO: client connection may not be secure ERROR: passive ssl error limit exceeded: 100001 ERROR: failed to accept secure socket NOTE: accepted client connection INFO: accepted secure socket NOTE: accepted client connection INFO: client connection may not be secure ERROR: ssl error occurred (system call failure) ERROR: eof violates ssl protocol ERROR: failed to accept secure socket NOTE: accepted client connection ERROR: ssl error occurred (system call failure) ERROR: eof violates ssl proto INFO: client connection may not be secure col ERROR: failed to accept secure socket NOTE: accepted client connection INFO: client connection may not be secure ERROR: ssl error occurred (system call failure) ERROR: eof violates ssl protocol ERROR: failed to accept secure socket NOTE: accepted client connection INFO: client connection may not be secure ERROR: passive ssl error limit exceeded: 100001 ERROR: failed to accept secure socket NOTE: accepted client connection NOTE: stopping synergy desktop process The clients, are windows 7.
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Lou DeRose
I was able to get it working by unchecking SSL encryption on the client machine, but now it's not working for me either way. You might want to try that though.
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Steffen W Soerensen
Same issue here, turning SSL off make 1.7.3 work.... until I upgraded my Fedora 21 client to Fedora 22 now connection is dropping randomly and frequent. Restarting the linux client reconnects to my OS X server for a while. Also cutNpaste between machines doesn't seem to work either. Trying to attach client log... hmm The extension log is not allowed, so available here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/r0cb4dbsjds03 ... 2.log?dl=0
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Brian Pauley
I turned SSL off but that didn't work, but I also think I may have had forces working against me. New Firwall/VPN Client that for some reason isn't supposed to interfere with port traffic is blocking it as well.
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Steffen W Soerensen
[quote="Steffen W Soerensen"]Same issue here, turning SSL off make 1.7.3 work.... until I upgraded my Fedora 21 client to Fedora 22 now connection is dropping randomly and frequent. Restarting the linux client reconnects to my OS X server for a while. Also cutNpaste between machines doesn't seem to work either. Trying to attach client log... hmm The extension log is not allowed, so available here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/r0cb4dbsjds03 ... 2.log?dl=0[/quote] SSL not working was due to Linux client didn't figured out the Linux distro and thus not fetched the SSL plugin, making a symlink for dpkg to f.ex. /usr/bin/false somewhere in your $PATH and then rerunning the wizard will fetch you the SSL plugin and SSL then works again. cNp not working might be because it makes synergy core under FC22, see: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=382&p=1321#p1321
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Michael Schwerin
I had a similar problem after updating two computers to 1.7.3 and found it was caused by an old version (1.4.17) trying to connect from a third computer on the network. After I shut down/upgraded that old version everything is fine. I am using Ubuntu 64bit server and Windows 8.1 and Windows 7 Clients.
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David Pinkney
Same experience here - no connectivity after upgrading to 1.7.3. I have Mac 10.9 client and Linux FC20 server. After disabling SSL on both client and server, I am able to connect, but the client disconnects frequently. Starting / stopping the server allows the client to reconnect again for a short period of time.
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Douglas Mueller
Having the same problem Mac OS X 10.10.3 client and Ubuntu 14.04.2 Server. Have to shut everything down and start about three times a day.
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John C. Worsley
Similar problem here -- running 1.7.3 pro on three Macs all running 10.10.3 -- I can connect exactly once from scratch, thereafter I periodically get disconnected from clients, multiple times per day. Sometimes I have to restart the clients completely, sometimes I can choose "Start" from the Menu, or "Show" and hit "Apply." I've also had the issue of being unable to connect to the server if I choose to explicitly "Stop" it until I manually restart all instances of Synergy.
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John C. Worsley
Follow-up: disabling SSL seems to make everything run a lot smoother. Less lag, no copy/paste issues I often see on 10.10, and haven't been disconnected once. Starting and stopping the server also doesn't result in permanent disconnection. Is there any security concern with SSL off that I am missing, assuming you are on a WPA2 local network already?
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Timothy Altman
For me the new version of 1.7.3 was working for a few days but suddenly this morning it stopped working with this passive ssl error limit exceeded error. Tried restarting both the server (mac) and client (ubuntu) but still won't work :(
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Tyler Style
I'm experiencing the same issue with 1.7.3. Disabling SSL functions as a work around. Host: Linux Mint v17.1 Client: Windows 7 Pro
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I have the same issue, i'm working with a laptop and desktop with windows installed, I don't what is wrong
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Chan Ju Ping
1.7.3 does not work for me unless the SSL plugin is removed. After that, there are still lags and frequent and abrupt disconnections. And this is when my two computers are directly linked with an Ethernet cable. I have dropped back to the more reliable 1.7.1.
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Same here I have been having big issues with the latest 1.7.3 build of Synergy between my Windows 8.1 server machine and my Mac OSx 10.10 client machine. When I select to use secure it popped a box up on the MAC asking if I approve the fingerprint for the ssl cert which I agreed to. The client then connected very briefly before displaying: INFO: starting new process INFO: drag and drop enabled NOTE: started server, waiting for clients INFO: watchdog status: ok NOTE: zeroconf client detected: iMac NOTE: accepted client connection ERROR: passive ssl error limit exceeded: 100001 ERROR: failed to accept secure socket INFO: client connection may not be secure If I deselect ssl on the server and client and then try I get this on the server: NOTE: started server, waiting for clients INFO: watchdog status: ok NOTE: zeroconf client detected: iMac NOTE: accepted client connection NOTE: new client disconnected NOTE: accepted client connection NOTE: client "iMac" has disconnected NOTE: new client disconnected On the Mac it shows: WARNING: failed to connect to server: Timed out And just loops round dong this. I have completely removed all instances including the registry entries and Appdata files on the PC and the files under Library on the Mac Any ideas? It has been working fine for ages and just seems to have gone wrong since the new release.
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Jay Imerman
Yes, I have similar issues with 1.7.3. Server is Windows 7, I have 2 clients, OS X 10.10 and OS X 10.7. If I use SSL on the clients, 10.10 connects, but remote control is very sluggish and eventually freezes completely (within a couple minutes). 10.7 client won't connect at all, it keeps saying "connected; wait for hello" then "disconnected" then "retry in 1 seconds". If I do not use SSL, neither client connects, saying the above for 10.7... Guess I'm going back to 10.7.2.
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Tyler Style
Follow up to previous: I disabled SSL, which improved things, but I am still getting regular lock outs a couple times a day. The client seems to lose the server, and the server never even notices: Client: [code] NOTE: server is dead WARNING: failed to connect to server: server is not responding NOTE: connecting to '': WARNING: failed to connect to server: Timed out[/code] Server: [code] INFO: leaving screen INFO: screen "Etown" updated clipboard 0 INFO: screen "Etown" updated clipboard 1 INFO: screen "B81ZM22" grabbed clipboard 0 from "Etown" INFO: screen "B81ZM22" grabbed clipboard 1 from "Etown" INFO: switch from "B81ZM22" to "Etown" at 52,471 INFO: entering screen[/code]
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Russell Carter
I can't believe I keep struggling with this every time I download a new version??? I have server running on a Win7 Home Premium OS and the client on Mac OSX 10.10. Go to the Windows box and open the services app (services.msc from Run). Scroll down the list of services until you find Synergy. If you look are having the connection problems then MAKE SURE THE SERVICE IS IN STARTED STATE!!!! Restart the Synergy service and it should be able to connect now...
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