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Release schedule

Walkabout Tigger

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Walkabout Tigger

Is there any semblance of a release schedule for Synergy which includes proposed inclusions, bug-fixes, and feature additions?

I respect the development efforts required in making this application, but those efforts need to be directed towards specific, measurable, achievable, results-based, time-oriented goals.

I am currently running 1.8.8-stable-25a8cb2

A bug, namely the cursor causing the screen to spin wildly (which has apparently existed since inception), is scheduled to be released as part of 1.10, or so I was told.

I bring this up because, until this bug is fixed, I am stuck using a physical electronic KVM matrix switch.

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Synergy 1 will stop developing soon. However, this is because of a new version of Synergy which fixes a lot of bugs and massively simplifies the UI named Synergy 2. If you'd like, you can post on that forum to ask if your problem in particular has been fixed. Final of Synergy 2 will come out in Nov. of 2017, but it's in beta stages right now.

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Walkabout Tigger

In a previous post, I was told by Paul Suarez who was, at the time, a member of the Symless team, "The open issue on GitHub says it'll be fixed with v1.10. Please Bear with us as we try to make Synergy better for all."

Considering I paid for Synergy for one specific use, which I did not find out didn't work as advertised after I had purchased it, I am less than happy to discover that development on 1.x is going to end prior to this issue being resolved.

On top of that, my 1.x license, according to a sticky in the 2.0 Beta forum, doesn't transfer over and I will need to purchase a 2.0 license.

Is the issue mentioned in this post fixed in Synergy 2.0?  Has it been tested?



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Development on Synergy 1 will stop once most Synergy users have decided that it is best to transition to Synergy 2 for their use cases (which will be so for most people). Forum support, as far as I am aware, will continue. However, development on the program will stop.

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