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Symless2 on Secured Corporate Windows Builds


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Hi Symless,

I'm a heavy user of Symless on a Win10 home rig and Corporate Win10 Laptop.   Symless v1.8 works perfectly well, it's a game charger for me.  In this scenario the corporate end point protection remains fully enabled, and also my home rigs Windows Firewalls are all enabled.

At the moment Beta2.0.0-4 is unable to operate under these conditions at all, but I might speculate that a large chunk of your userbase may well be operating in this scenario.  

Question; Is Symless testing against use cases where corporate security software like McAfee or Symantec is in place?

Unfortunately i'm unable upload my logs because I've had to uninstall the Beta in order to work.  It might help if i could run v1.8 and v2.0.0-4 beta in parallel, i'm not sure if that is possible, i suspect not.




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9 hours ago, Nick Bolton said:

This is a caused by a bug in beta4, which will be fixed in beta5 (due in 4 weeks).

Guess I'll have to wait for the next beta round. Back to 1.8.8 for now.

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