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No thanks

David Harrison

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David Harrison

Well, paid my money and downloaded. Win10 version good enough as far as it goes which isn't far. Can't say I'm at all keen on a network-based app that provides no visible way to check/edit its configuration.

Now, onto the Linux client. The old version ran perfectly under Mint 17.3. Which is as far as I go with Mint versions "because systemd". The new version seems to rely on just about every new dependency under the sun, so it won't install.

Great. Faceless Windows app and uninstallable Linux app, $15 down, time needing to be wasted reverting to an older version, and realising that Synergy's future excludes me.

What a shame.



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This currently is a rough beta, beta 4, there is a beta 5 due to be out in a few weeks time to quote @Nick Bolton "This will be fixed in beta5 (due in 4-5 weeks). Need a refund? refunds@symless.com"

It is far from perfect, but I am loving it overall, it seems more snappy than 1.8 was in my setup. It may currently exclude you from installing and using it. However it should not in the later versions.

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Several of us are back on Synergy 1.8 but enthusiastic about picking back up when beta 5 arrives. If you're just not into participating in beta even later, be sure to  contact:


to get your investment back. No harm, no foul, no problem.

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Well, as mentioned by the op (and I'm just going to reiterate here), a beta is a beta. 

People who need this for production are personally recommended by @Nick Bolton and his team to NOT use Synergy 2, but use the more stable branches that are nearly always going to work (note: "nearly"), or at least relative to this beta branch. As mentioned by @KringleKrebs, refunds@symless.com is the email to contact if you want support concerning refunds, and the community is here for you if you'd like to continue messing with Synergy 2 on a test set of systems or during a time where production is not of the utmost priority. 

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