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Alt+Shift on client breaks connection

Jiri Tomek

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A have two Windows 10 computers and installed Beta 4 on them. Initial setup was s(y|e)amless. I'm using two keyboard layouts on both machines - English and Czech - and I use Alt+Shift combo to switch between them. And that causes issues.


  1. Have two Windows 10 machines using two keyboard layouts and Synergy 2 Beta 4
  2. Move mouse to client
  3. Press Alt+Shift to switch keyboard layout.
  4. Connection breaks. You can't move mouse to client anymore.
  5. Close Synergy windows and restart services on both client and server. -> Does not help
  6. Restart service on client, open Synergy window and press F12 -> still not working
  7. Restart service on server, open Synergy window and press F12 -> computer boxes in UI flash few times and connection is finally restored
  8. Move mouse to client and press Alt+Shift -> Broken again, you have to repeat steps 5 to 7 to restore it.

This makes Beta 4 unusable for me for now, I need to switch keyboard layouts quite often.

Uploaded logs:

Note: It would be great if Synergy 2 supports side-by-side install with synergy 1.x. I had to uninstall 2.0 beta and install back 1.8 so if you need any further troubleshooting from me and I have to go through install round back and forth few times it will be quite annoying.

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