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Windows 10 not connecting to mac


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Windows Machine log: https://synergy-logs.symless.com/2017-09-25/466-2017-09-25T08-48-38.log

Windows machine not showing the mac computer in the synergy 2.0 window and showing the windows machine greyed out.

Mac Machine Log: https://synergy-logs.symless.com/2017-09-25/466-2017-09-25T08-49-54.log

The mac machine shows both windows and mac machine in synergy 2.0 window and highlighted in green.

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beta 4 has a bug that it isnt using port 443, and will be fixed in beta5 and that is why it's recommended to disable firewall on the machines. I understand there is a security risk to that. I have an edge next gen firewall so i'm okay with my machine having that off in the mean time.

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18 hours ago, CapnJoe said:

Are both firewalls turned off ? ( a beta4 bug )

Yes, I have turned off the firewall on both the machines, it is still not connecting.

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I was having the same issue mnow resolved.

Win10 Base Machine (server) connecting to a Win & pro 64 Bit with the iMAC El Capitan in the middle, see graphic.  Using the switch off firewalls on the PC's this worked fine, also note switched them off to get them connected, then switched Firewalls back on still connected.

Moved to connect the MAC, same situation used the trouble shooting, dropped the processes reconnected Green Light no connection.

Did the Firewall off again on Main Win 10 PC got connection but MAC was greyed out (as if not connected) yet it was.  Did the process off and on again with the MAC with Win10 firewalls still off, went to green got connection on all 3 as per graphic.  Switched Win10 Firewalls back on all good.

Symless Beta4 MAC.PNG

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