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macOS High Sierra Compatibility

Kelvin Tran

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As much as this goes for the Synergy 2 beta, it primarily goes for your stable v1 branch, since that's what you deem as "stable". Have you verified full application functionality on High Sierra with Synergy (that is planned to drop tomorrow)? It would help a lot if we could know whether Symless ensures that Synergy v1 and v2 will MOSTLY (except the occasional edge case, as with most updates) work with the new macOS OS. Thanks!

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  • Synergy Team

Good shout!

Every time Apple and Microsoft release a new OS, we do our best to test against it. But, when they release it out into the wild, there are always bugs we didn't catch.

Have you seen any new bugs so far on High Sierra?

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18 minutes ago, Nick Bolton said:

Good shout!

Every time Apple and Microsoft release a new OS, we do our best to test against it. But, when they release it out into the wild, there are always bugs we didn't catch.

Have you seen any new bugs so far on High Sierra?

I would have to say the only difference overall might be permissions on files when having to do with the APFS file system. Which is something totally under the hood and should not cause major issues, unless you use something that relies on less fine grain logging of timestamps on file access and modification. Can't think of any usage scenarios where that would apply to this kind of software as it should be operating in RAM mostly, except the log file and even finer grain timestamps won't be a burden on it most likely

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Fuel Medical Support

I just installed High Sierra and the biggest issue I am facing is the disconnect between my Windows 10 Pro (host) and MacBook Pro (client) is more frequent.  Specifically, on the MBP, the mouse wheel seems to be the first to go, then the ability to mouse click (any mouse click.)

Fix: return to Windows, open the Synergy 2 program: F12 (twice), then return to the MBP.

This sporadic problem happens within seconds of returning to the MBP or after hours.  Regardless, multiple times a day.

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I have not had any issues with High Sierra, yet, however even in Sierra, I had the same issue you describe @Fuel Medical Support I had to hit F12 on the keyboard on the Windows computer. I've found that if the computer is awake but the screen is asleep, I can sign into my user, but when it is totally asleep overall, I must at least tap the power button on the iMac it is being used on. Then once it wakes it is immediately connected. I have it set as follows in the Energy Saver system preference page.

  • Prevent from sleeping automatically when the display is off.
  • Wake for network access
  • Enable Power Nap

Having those 3 items checked and the rest unchecked has provide me a stable interaction between my Mac and Windows 8.1 PC.

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works adequately with high sierra here. sometimes the mac will sleep. but all i do is move the cursor to the mac desktop. it will lag a little. then i assume some magic network nonsense is happening, then the mac sees network activity and wakes up, then i can log in. no issues. handles it very well. better than expected actually. 

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  • Synergy Team
On 03/10/2017 at 2:33 PM, jamesyapth said:

works adequately with high sierra here. sometimes the mac will sleep. but all i do is move the cursor to the mac desktop. it will lag a little. then i assume some magic network nonsense is happening, then the mac sees network activity and wakes up, then i can log in. no issues. handles it very well. better than expected actually. 

Really appreciate the feedback!

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Fuel Medical Support

Windows 10 Pro [host] / OSX 10.13 High Sierra.

Mac Energy settings [power adapter, as my Mac is always plugged in]:  Computer sleep: never.  Display sleep: never.  "Put hard disk to sleep when possible: unchecked.  Wake for network access: checked.  There are no schedules set.

I am still experiencing the same problems where I can't get to my Mac at all, or I am on the Mac and suddenly the mouse wheel stops working, or in addition, the mouse clicks stop working.  I return to the Windows screen, activate the Synergy window and press F12.  Most of the time now, this does not help.  I am experimenting what is the magic procedure to fully restore Synergy and mouse functionality to my Mac.  Sadly, it seems to be getting worse.

The good news:  it is Wednesday!  (and my socks match.)

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