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Getting mouse and keyboard to work...


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Same problem.  I see that they are talking to each other but my laptop screen shows as a green box but the desktop shows black (on both computers), which I presume means it is not working for some reason, even though both computers are clearly talking to each other because I can move the screen on one and it moves on the other.  just not able to move the mouse across the boundary between computers.


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Unfortunately these did not work, had already messed with this for about 30 mins. The interesting part is that both sides see each other, and are connected but no mouse cross boundary moves work.

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I had a similar problem, but was able to resolve it with the below procedure. Steps 1-3 are likely the most important. I don't think all steps are necessary or that the order needs to be 100% how I list it, but this is exactly what I did and it is working for me now:

  1. Remove any existing Synergy install from Mac using AppCleaner. Essentially launch AppCleaner and then drag and drop the Synergy App Icon, from the applications folder, into the AppCleaner Window. If it says something about 'protected apps' then go into the AppCleaner preferences and uncheck 'Protect running apps' and try again. (this will clean up any files that reference previous installs).
  2. Uninstall any existing Synergy from Windows Machine. (New or old, just uninstall it)
  3. Proceed to Delete any 'Synergy' and/or 'Symless' folders from "C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Local" on your Widnows computer.
  4. I rebooted both my Mac and PC for good measure, but this is likely not needed.
  5. Proceed to install Synergy 2.0 on Mac, then Launch the App
  6. Once installed on Mac then Install Synergy 2.0 on PC, then Launch the App (my firewall was disabled during install, as was user access control).
  7. Select the each Synergy App Window with your mouse cursor and Press F12 on your keyboard
  8.  At this point, it was working for me without issues.
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