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How will multiple users work?

Kris Dekeyser

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I'm a long term and happy synergy user. Of course I went for the synergy 2 beta as well. With some hiccups - as is to be expected for a beta - but it looks very promising.

Now, my son has a laptop and desktop too and is pretty jealous of my synergy setup. There is an option to purchase more users, which is what I'm tempted to do for my son's setup. While it is clear to me how he could configure synergy 1 to setup a connection between his laptop and PC, I'm not sure how this will work with synergy 2.

1. If I purchase a user for my son, will he have a login of his own, or do I have to share my Symless login with him (rather not, actually)?

2. Synergy 2 performs auto-configuration, but how will it prevent my own laptop+PC setting to get mixed up with his laptop+PC? We're both on the same LAN, so each of the 4 machines will be able to connect to all other machines. I hope I will not lose control over my PC/laptop when my son presses F12 in his app...


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  • Synergy Team
On 20/09/2017 at 11:55 PM, Kris Dekeyser said:

1. If I purchase a user for my son, will he have a login of his own, or do I have to share my Symless login with him (rather not, actually)?


Good question. You can add users to your account, and they can either sign in with their own user/password or use yours (which will create a separate profile).

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  • Synergy Team
On 20/09/2017 at 11:55 PM, Kris Dekeyser said:

2. Synergy 2 performs auto-configuration, but how will it prevent my own laptop+PC setting to get mixed up with his laptop+PC? We're both on the same LAN, so each of the 4 machines will be able to connect to all other machines. I hope I will not lose control over my PC/laptop when my son presses F12 in his app...


Don't worry, not a problem. The auto-detect is based on the user. So it won't even be aware of any other Synergy installs on the same network.

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Guest Andrew Nelless

@Kris Dekeyser We have a plan for if 2 users happen to want to use the same machine as well. In future versions logging out of one Windows account and in to another will automatically swizzle your Synergy configuration around. This is likely not going to happen for 2.0, but it's on the roadmap.

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43 minutes ago, Andrew Nelless said:

@Kris Dekeyser We have a plan for if 2 users happen to want to use the same machine as well. In future versions logging out of one Windows account and in to another will automatically swizzle your Synergy configuration around. This is likely not going to happen for 2.0, but it's on the roadmap.

I do hope that we will still be able to have the system overall on a "user" so you can use the service to sign into said machine. I know this is not possible on macOS, sadly, but Windows it worked in v1, just could not drop clipboard or files using it since was not elevated properly.

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