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Error Code -65563


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[attachment=0]Screen Shot 2015-05-30 at 2.58.59 AM.png[/attachment]I am getting a small window popping up with this error. It started a few weeks ago with just one window popping up maybe once every 4 days. Today it is popping up at least 5 times. It is quite annoying because it took me so long to figure out what was causing it. No where on the window does it indicate what program or process caused it. Only finding this helped: https://github.com/synergy/synergy/issues/4303 Of course, my symptoms are a bit different than what is listed on GitHub. I did a forum search for the error code and could not find anything. Forgive me if this is the wrong way to ask about my issue.
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  • 3 months later...
Stephanie Lessentine
Same error just started within the last week or so. Looking for some ideas on what the cause is, and what a solution could be. Thanks
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