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Linux install will not connect


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Linux client upload path: https://synergy-logs.symless.com/2017-09-14/137-2017-09-14T17-48-59.log   

Win 10 server upload path  Upload path: https://synergy-logs.symless.com/2017-09-14/137-2017-09-14T17-54-32.log

I have uninstalled and reinstalled, then run the code Nick posted under a previous post. On this client, I see both screens, both gray. On the server side, I see both screens both green, however, there is no Synergy connection.

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  • Synergy Team

So, it looks like the Linux computer did connect to the Windows computer at around 8:30am, right?

[ Service ] [2017-09-14T08:33:57] debug: starting core process with command: /usr/bin/synergyc -f --no-tray --debug DEBUG --name Petersen --enable-drag-drop --profile-dir /home/don/.config/synergy --log synergy.log
[ Service ] [2017-09-14T08:33:57] debug: core process started, id=3164
[ Core    ] [2017-09-14T08:33:57] NOTE: started client
[ Core    ] [2017-09-14T08:33:57] NOTE: connecting to '':
[ Core    ] [2017-09-14T08:34:00] NOTE: connected to server

But then the core client stopped abruptly at this point...

[ Core    ] [2017-09-14T15:31:32] DEBUG: close clipboard 1
[ Core    ] [2017-09-14T15:31:32] DEBUG: sending clipboard 1 seqnum=45
[ Core    ] [2017-09-14T15:31:32] DEBUG: sent clipboard size=21
[ Core    ] [2017-09-14T15:31:36] INFO: entering screen

And when the service was told to do a connectivity test, it appears to have done nothing...

[ Service ] [2017-09-14T17:04:44] debug: config ui opened, forcing connectivity test
[ Service ] [2017-09-14T17:04:44] debug: new screens detected (2), preparing connectivity test
[ Service ] [2017-09-14T17:04:44] debug: handling local profile screen set changed, mode=client
[ Service ] [2017-09-14T17:05:01] debug: tcp server accepted connection, address=
[ Service ] [2017-09-14T17:05:01] debug: tcp server waiting for next client
[ Service ] [2017-09-14T17:05:01] debug: tcp server ssl handshake finished, address=
[ Service ] [2017-09-14T17:05:01] debug: connectivity test server accepted a new connection:
[ Service ] [2017-09-14T17:05:02] debug: comparing profiles, id=133 this=v2 other=v2
[ Service ] [2017-09-14T17:05:02] debug: profile screen status changed, screenId=253 Connected->Connecting
[ Service ] [2017-09-14T17:05:02] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Service ] [2017-09-14T17:05:03] debug: comparing profiles, id=133 this=v2 other=v2
[ Service ] [2017-09-14T17:05:03] debug: profile screen status changed, screenId=253 Connecting->Connected
[ Service ] [2017-09-14T17:05:03] debug: profile changed, storing local copy

I'd say that's definitely a bug. I think the best workaround would be to keep restarting the services in different orders until it gets a successful connectivity test.

We're redesigning this part of the system in beta5, so you could also wait until then (sorry, I know that's not what you want to hear).

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