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beta4 not working


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I have 2 computer, both install beta4, they can see each other but I can not move mouse between two.

  1. Windows 10 [Version 10.0.15063]  : showing green
  2. MacOS 10.12.6  : showing gray

Please support with my problem.


P/S: This screenshot is same in both machine

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22 minutes ago, Nick Bolton said:

Thanks for the log. Could you please try the beta4 troubleshooting guide? https://symless.com/synergy-2-beta4-troubleshooting

I'm having the same issue, followed the guide, but to no avail: http://www.giphy.com/gifs/3ohhwtr1BQzPMlWZdC The macOS machine keeps searching for something.
I've even rebooted both machines.

Windows 10 x64 latest log: https://synergy-logs.symless.com/2017-09-13/88-2017-09-13T19-35-44.log
macOS 10.12.6  log: https://synergy-logs.symless.com/2017-09-13/88-2017-09-13T19-35-32.log

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  • Synergy Team
4 minutes ago, quad_bx said:

I'm having the same issue, followed the guide, but to no avail: http://www.giphy.com/gifs/3ohhwtr1BQzPMlWZdC The macOS machine keeps searching for something.

This seems to be the smoking gun, it's that damn connectivity test again...

[ Service ] [2017-09-13T19:32:43] debug: connectivity test failed for


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  • Synergy Team
1 minute ago, Mohammad Minaie said:

For the record the windows machine was the culprit

This seems to be quite common. Mac users seem to have a better experience so far with beta4.

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  • Synergy Team
Just now, Nick Bolton said:

This seems to be the smoking gun, it's that damn connectivity test again...

[ Service ] [2017-09-13T19:32:43] debug: connectivity test failed for

Is a Windows machine? Could you try restarting the service on that computer again?

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  • Synergy Team
5 minutes ago, Miley said:

This line could be the cause...

[ Config  ] [2017-09-13T18:38:02] ERROR: Reply status code: 400
[ Config  ] [2017-09-13T18:38:02] ERROR: Reply error message: stale-config

Did you follow the troubleshooting guide? https://symless.com/synergy-2-beta4-troubleshooting

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Same problem. The issue seems to be no Firewall rule for synergyd.exe, added an exception and that fixed it. Completely disabling the Firewall is not an option in corporate environment.

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15 minutes ago, Nick Bolton said:

Is a Windows machine? Could you try restarting the service on that computer again?

Yes, it is. Already restarted the whole PC :).

Later edit: now macOS is green, and Win 10 is in the gray. Unbelievable. :)

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2 hours ago, Nick Bolton said:

This line could be the cause...

[ Config  ] [2017-09-13T18:38:02] ERROR: Reply status code: 400
[ Config  ] [2017-09-13T18:38:02] ERROR: Reply error message: stale-config

Did you follow the troubleshooting guide? https://symless.com/synergy-2-beta4-troubleshooting

I tried that and I also tried to delete the ~/Library/Preferences/Symless/Synergy folder but that didn't help either. I also just connected a different Mac to Synergy and my Windows 10 machine is no longer online but won't disappear from the Synergy GUI.

Here are the log files for the two Mac OS's (both don't even have their firewall enabled)

Mac 1: https://synergy-logs.symless.com/2017-09-13/92-2017-09-13T21-00-46.log
Mac 2: https://synergy-logs.symless.com/2017-09-13/92-2017-09-13T19-01-47.log

All 3 screens are grey on both Mac's

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Disabling the Windows firewall completely is a sledgehammer solution. Much better just to add the required exception rule for synergyd.exe. Hopefully the installer will be updated in future releases to do this automatically. 

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I have both of the computers showing green but i still can't get my mouse or keyboard to work on the client (Mac). Did all troubleshooting from the article.


[ Service ] [2017-09-13T21:58:35] debug: profile changed, storing local copy

[ Service ] [2017-09-13T21:58:35] debug: comparing profiles, id=29 this=v35 other=v35

[ Service ] [2017-09-13T21:58:35] debug: profile screen status changed, screenId=47 Connecting->Connected

[ Service ] [2017-09-13T21:58:35] debug: profile changed, storing local copy

[ Service ] [2017-09-13T21:58:38] debug: successful report: dest = 48, ips =

[ Service ] [2017-09-13T21:58:38] debug: local profile modified, id=29

[ Service ] [2017-09-13T21:58:38] debug: comparing profiles, id=29 this=v35 other=v35

[ Service ] [2017-09-13T21:58:38] debug: profile screen test result changed, screenId=48 success=``->`` failed=``->``

[ Service ] [2017-09-13T21:58:38] debug: handling new report from connectivity tester, screenId=48 successfulIp= lastServerId=47

[ Service ] [2017-09-13T21:58:38] debug: finished connectivity test

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On 9/13/2017 at 8:07 PM, quad_bx said:

It's working!!! :)) Haha, mother ducking apps.... All I did was deleting both configs from both machines and then troubleshooting steps.

Nevermind, it keeps stops working and you have to do the troubleshooting steps every other hour. I've downgraded to 1.9.0-rc3, which works with hiccups, but I can do my work now :). Will wait for beta5.

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  • Synergy Team
2 minutes ago, quad_bx said:

you have to do the troubleshooting steps every other hour.

Oh god, that's awful. I wonder what's causing it to stop. Could you send logs if you get chance?

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1 hour ago, Nick Bolton said:

Oh god, that's awful. I wonder what's causing it to stop. Could you send logs if you get chance?

No can do. Already used CleanMyMac to get rid of all the traces of v2.0, started clean with v1.9 :). Sorry, maybe next time, at beta5.

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  • Synergy Team
19 minutes ago, quad_bx said:

No can do. Already used CleanMyMac to get rid of all the traces of v2.0, started clean with v1.9 :). Sorry, maybe next time, at beta5.

Thanks, I hope you try it! It'll be much better, I promise.

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