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Synergy should work with VPN's


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I have a office laptop that is a synergy slave and a home desktop is my synergy master. Both are connected to the same network... everything is fine.

When I connect to my work VPN, (Cisco anyconnect) synergy client and server loses connectivity. I tried enabling split tunneling under cisco anyconnect options but it still doesnt work. 

so can I please request synergy to come up with a feature such that, even when a client connects to a different network synergy should still work. I am force to move to KVM with messy cables dangling around my table. 

Ex: Pushbullet notification mirroring between mobile phone and computers. The same setup as above.

Pushbullet on office laptop, home desktop and on my phone. Pushbullet is able to mirror my mobile phone's notification to my office laptop even though my office laptop is on a different network. (VPN). I am not comparing products. I am just trying to give ideas so that synergy can work better. Hope that is fine!!! 

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Hi, I run a similar setup without problems on this area, are you able to ping from the laptop your desktop private ip while connected to the VPN? 

doing a traceroute from the laptop to the desktop private ip should be helpful for you to understand if your laptop reach the PC via the LAN/WLAN not the WAN.

if ping is not successful, then its very likely your work VPN do not allow the split tunneling, therefore, forcing all of your work laptop to the corporate network.

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Tango is correct, I've been able to do Synergy over VPN as long as the system isn't configured for exclusive mode on the VPN (ie tunnel ALL traffic). There are possibly ways to still manually add a new route for Synergy, but that varies by OS and depending on the VPN client may end up getting reset as soon as it detects it isn't the default gateway again.

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