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Fatal error, code 12057

Antonio Durante

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Antonio Durante
An error occurred while trying to sign in and activate 1.7.3 on client (server ok). Code: 1 Error: FATAL: Unknown error, code 12057 [b]server win 8.1 64x[/b] NOTE: connecting to service... NOTE: connection established INFO: watchdog status: error NOTE: starting server NOTE: config file: C:/Users/Antonio/AppData/Local/Temp/qt_temp.gq4048 NOTE: log level: INFO INFO: service command updated INFO: starting new process activeDesktop:Default INFO: starting new process INFO: drag and drop enabled NOTE: started server, waiting for clients INFO: watchdog status: ok NOTE: accepted client connection ERROR: passive ssl error limit exceeded: 100001 ERROR: failed to accept secure socket INFO: client connection may not be secure ...... INFO: service command updated INFO: process started but command is empty, shutting down INFO: got ipc shutdown message NOTE: stopped server INFO: process 7048 was shutdown gracefully [b]client win xp 32x[/b] NOTE: connecting to service NOTE: connection established NOTE: starting client NOTE: config file: C:DOCUM/Antonio/IMPOST/Temp/qt_temp.Hp3008 NOTE: log level: ERROR activeDesktop:Default INFO: ignoring --enable-drag-drop, not supported below vista


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