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A couple of UI suggestions

IT Troll

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I am a long time user of a very old free version and thought it was time I moved to a more modern and secure version. I was up and running in no time, but did have a few puzzling moments.

Firstly, the machines I use at work have a defined naming scheme, as a result the first 8 characters of all my machines are the same. Having longer, and/or, customisable names in the UI would really help tell them apart.

This was somewhat compounded by the new auto master feature, which I find can sometimes take a little while to switch over. So in the beginning, I didn't know which machine was which in the UI, or which one was master! Having some kind of master/controller indicator in the UI might help with this. OS specific icons/colours might be a nice touch.

I was a little disappointed that file drag and run as service aren't available yet (both present in my ancient version), but it is good to hear that they are coming. What is the current recommendation for launching these at startup?

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  • Synergy Team
17 hours ago, IT Troll said:

Firstly, the machines I use at work have a defined naming scheme, as a result the first 8 characters of all my machines are the same. Having longer, and/or, customisable names in the UI would really help tell them apart.

We'll be adding a computer rename feature around beta5 or beta6 which should solve this.

17 hours ago, IT Troll said:

This was somewhat compounded by the new auto master feature, which I find can sometimes take a little while to switch over.

Yeah, that feature is very experimental right now. We'll be re-architecting the implementation in beta5 which should make the switch instant and unnoticeable.

17 hours ago, IT Troll said:

I was a little disappointed that file drag and run as service aren't available yet (both present in my ancient version), but it is good to hear that they are coming. What is the current recommendation for launching these at startup?

The good news is that beta4 (due in 2 weeks) will run as a service. The bad news is that we haven't done any work on drag and drop in Synergy 2, and it won't be working on this until 2.1 (due mid 2018) when we plan to rewrite the drag and drop feature. The drag and drop feature works great for most people but doesn't work at all for some (in this case we issue a full refund if the user doesn't want to wait for a fix).

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