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Please Make it easy for multi Monitor configurations

Pablo - P

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Please on the new version try to make it easy to setup the client computer on a multi monitor configuration, I use a Computer with 4 monitors and I connect 1 Windows, 1 Windows client on each side of the configuration (total of 6 screens, 3 computers)

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I use Synergy because I sometimes have to use my school laptop at home. So I move my keyboard out of the way and place my laptop there. In the attached image you can see my monitor arrangement. (I explain the arrows later).

Since I have two monitors for my desktop and only one on my laptop I get an issue where the exit- and enter points are not lining up at all. When I go down on the left side of the left monitor I enter at the top left of my laptop's monitor. When I go down on the right side of the left monitor I enter at the middle of my laptop's monitor. This makes it quite confusing to use, and I lose the position of my mouse quite often.

If there were a way for me to organise my monitors in a way that would allow for these kinds of setups it'd make it a whole lot more usable for me, and most likely for a lot of other people as well.

Synergy monitor setup.jpg

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I'm just another user. 

Yes, you can configure the screens the way you want. Except I think they will snap against each other in the graphic. 

The 2 way connection isn't immediately obvious in the beta yet, just select the Synergy graphic on the machine you want to be server and press F12. The connection will reverse. The computer where you select F12 will become the server. 

BTW, you described a perfect situation for Synergy, bringing your laptop into your network on occasion. You will be pleased. 

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I agree.
This is now my setup is designed. 

PC1: 27" 16:9 (2560x1440) monitor and to the right of that is a 34" 21:9 (3440x1440) monitor

PC2: 34" 21:9 (3440x1440) monitor which is on top the 34" from PC1

I know it would make sense if I just place it on top of my 27" or ust my 34" as my main monitor but my 27" is a PG279Q which is so much better than my ultrawides.

See attached image to see what I mean


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I believe that this is because Synergy uses the relative position of your mouse cursor on your screen to determine an exit point. Let me explain.

With a one display setup, it works fine because the right corner of your desktop screen is in a logical flow relative to the position in which it is entering on your laptop. However, when you have two screens, the logical order of the monitors changes. Dual monitors, to Windows and therefore, to Synergy is not actually dual monitors. You are, in a sense, extending your existing monitor. If you have dual 19 inch monitors, you're effectively combining them and creating one 38-inch monitor (highly simplified). With that in mind, when you enter the screen on the left monitor's bottom right corner, you're actually (logically, anyways) entering through the middle (to Synergy), hence you enter at the middle on the laptop.

A workaround that I can think of right now for Synergy 1 is to use a hotkey to cut directly to the next desktop, that way, you'll know where the mouse cursor starts every time beyond the 1st-4th time.

@Nick Bolton, since this is not my area of expertise, am I correct (or even close to it) and is there a workaround or fix for it in Synergy 2 planned? 

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  • Synergy Team
12 hours ago, Kelvin Tran said:

@Nick Bolton, since this is not my area of expertise, am I correct (or even close to it) and is there a workaround or fix for it in Synergy 2 planned? 

It's because we don't yet represent screen sizes accurately, but this is a planned feature. I can't share dates yet.

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10 hours ago, Nick Bolton said:

It's because we don't yet represent screen sizes accurately, but this is a planned feature. I can't share dates yet.

So basically, I was close? :P

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  • Synergy Team
8 hours ago, Kelvin Tran said:

So basically, I was close? :P

Yep! You understand the problem well. I'm really excited about showing real screen sizes, it's something I've wanted for a long time.

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Moderation note - Merged because both topics are discussing multi-monitor configurations and associated issues.

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