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Pointer sticks when moving from synergy client to server

Sean F

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My company is using synergy pro 1.8.8 in a control room environment on 2 console stations with each "station" having 2 computers per station, with one station occupying the synergy client role and the other the server role.  Client system is a Win7 64 bit with 2  monitors and the server system is a Win7 64bit with 8 monitors.  In the Synergy server config the client station is placed to the immediate left of the server.  The problem that has been reported and observed on both stations is that frequently, when the mouse crosses over from the client back to the server, the pointer gets stuck\freezes for several seconds at the point of entry onto the server screens and will not move, then it unfreeze and resume normal function. Was hoping other synergy users may have had a similar issue and possibly found a resolution?

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