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Read first: Remember, it's a beta

Nick Bolton

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  • Nick Bolton locked, unlocked, pinned and featured this topic

Hi Nick, good idea. I knew going in that this was going to be a little rocky and I hope others knew that too. I love this software and wanted to help provide feedback for the latest version, but, also knew I couldn't rely on it for my production setup just yet. Keep up the good work and looking forward to more releases!

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40 minutes ago, eth0 said:

I'd expect that too. If you could assure us that the Synergy 2 release version won't be Synergy 1 Now With 25% Less Features, I'd be more than happy.

Or maybe we can discuss two pricing tiers? Like Synergy and Synergy PRO. :) Pro having more features, ofc.

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  • Synergy Team
On 8/10/2017 at 0:08 PM, quad_bx said:

lack of connectivity via Synergy when Symless Cloud is down,

We're working on that right now!

On 8/10/2017 at 0:08 PM, quad_bx said:

the impossibility to hard pick a master

The auto switch feature isn't 100% working yet, so we're going to make sure this is finished and stable before we make a decision on this.

On 8/10/2017 at 0:08 PM, quad_bx said:

obfuscation of most important settings from v1.x.

What do you consider to be the most important settings in Synergy 1?

On 8/10/2017 at 0:08 PM, quad_bx said:

USEFUL cloud features.

What are some useful cloud features that you're expecting?

On 8/10/2017 at 5:20 PM, eth0 said:

If you could assure us that the Synergy 2 release version won't be Synergy 1 Now With 25% Less Features, I'd be more than happy.

In Synergy 2, some of these features from Synergy 1 will be simplified and exposed in a very different way.

On 8/10/2017 at 6:01 PM, quad_bx said:

Or maybe we can discuss two pricing tiers? Like Synergy and Synergy PRO. :) Pro having more features, ofc.

Actually, that's already the case, but we'll be making SSL a Basic feature, and moving some of the Basic features to Pro (to be announced).

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Synergy Team
On 8/25/2017 at 10:35 PM, Daniel Garcia said:

hasn't even reached minimum viable product

What do you think is missing?

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Paul C Craggs

the abiity to move my mouse cursor between screens for one..  On my three console main working rig I've gone back to V1.8 but kept the beta  running on a couple of spare machines. I'm afraid I agree with Daniel until it meets even the basic working functionality of 1.8 it can't be regarded as a beta. We  are used to the quirks of development software but it needs to hit a baseline before release that I don't think this did. The price as others have said is not really an issue anyone who quibbles over $5 is just screwy, but at this stage it should really have invited to parallel development testers, rather than actual users as an upgrade.



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  • Nick Bolton unfeatured this topic
  • Synergy Team

@Paul C Craggs It sounds like what you're experiencing is actually a bug (rather than a missing feature).It looks like you already posted your logs in another thread. I'll reply there.


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