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Hi Symless Gents and Ladys,
this is more a wishlist rant for productivity:

  • will there be any settings?  (I can imagine that you focus on simplicity, but I think most of your user base is pretty techy. I tried to edit the synergy.conf but it will get overwritten any restart)
  • will there be support for multi monitor configuration (got 2 displays on host (5360 pixel wide) and one on the client (3440 pixel wide) I could help myself on v1.8 with the range option; which is not working for me on v2)
  • will there be support for German (or any language) key mapping? (actually I got into v2 for that, I think I did read somewhere that you aim in v2 for a better solution for that problem; I get the same behavior like in v1.8, meens at start z and y is switched and after couple of restarts only special keys like ßöäü {} wont work; I need at least {} for coding)
  • I am not a fan of cloud only, please make it work if the internet connection is down (if I disconnect from the internet v2 wont even start proper... after polling to it shuts down)

Thanks for your effort!

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  • Synergy Team
Nick Bolton

Great questions!

23 hours ago, ohrly said:

will there be any settings?

Yes, this will be added closer to our public release in November.

23 hours ago, ohrly said:

will there be support for multi monitor configuration

We'll try to implement this before November, but it'll probably be in version 2.1.

23 hours ago, ohrly said:

will there be support for German (or any language) key mapping?

This will also probably be in version 2.1.

23 hours ago, ohrly said:

I am not a fan of cloud only, please make it work if the internet connection is down

We'll add a feature so that once configured, Synergy will work without an internet connection. However, you'll still need to use the cloud config service to configure in the first instance (and also if any of your IPs change). If you want to skip the cloud config entirely, you can actually still use the command line.

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Hey Nick,
I really appreciate your quick response. The start looks promising so far! Tried V2 out some time but then I did go back to V1.9; otherwise my CPU gets a bit toasty! :D


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