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Can't purchase Synergy Pro


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So I followed this link: https://symless.com/synergy/linus22 to try and purchase synergy at half price, but when I go to purchase, it automatically switches to the basic version. No matter how many times I change to pro, it switches right back to basic before I can purchase it. I'm not sure what to do about it. Any ideas? Thanks!

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1.) Increment the last number of the LTT referral link (for example, linus23 or linus28) and go ahead and try then. It may just be a bad link.

2.) Try using a different web browser. Maybe the change in the info from deselecting/selecting certain radio buttons is not being registered/sent properly?

Again, @Paul Suarez or another Synergy team member would probably know better than me, but this is just my prediction because I purchased Synergy 1 from one of those links.

EDIT - Nope. I went through the purchasing process with the link you provided. It works. It may just be your web browser not properly sending the updated radio button information back to Symless as I mentioned. Again, a Synergy team member would probably know better than me.

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