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Two systems as both server AND client


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Hi guys,

My partner and I have our desks setup next to each other on a long table - I have a PC, she has a Mac, we both have multiple screens.

I'd like to use Synergy to allow us both to use our own keyboard/mouse on each others machine - i.e. I can keep moving left, it'll go onto her screen, and I can click stuff to show her what I'm talking about. She can move her mouse right and jump onto my screen and be showing me something. File dragging would work each way, initiated by either of us. Basically, we want to share :-)

Is there a way to do this? Would I need to run two installs (and thus have two licences - maybe each running different software versions or something)?

Is this/will this be a v2 feature? If so, how do I get in on that? I was an original donor back years ago (which I think gives me free upgrades?? not sure), so I'm not sure what the go is.


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