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Please fill in a hostname for the synergy client to connect to


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So i recently got synergy pro and have yet to be able to use it. I downloaded it on my windows 10 desktop (my server) and it went smoothly and is running just fine. However when I go to download it on my windows 10 Laptop, whenever i try to start it gives me an error message saying the hostname is empty, however there is no where for me to enter a host name. I tried just entering my IP address after unchecking auto config, still cant connect, I then uninstalled and reinstalled the program about 5 times to no avail. Any ideas?

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  • 9 months later...

I had the same problem using version 1.10.1-stable-8941241e on Windows 10 while trying in to make it a server and connect with a Win 7 client

I know this won't help everyone but after battling with it for a while I just switched my computers and it worked (made Win 7 a server and WIn 10 a client)

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