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Synergy support your dis-courtesy offends me


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Since the Beta went down Sunday I've been trying to calm the air on this forum. I've tried to set the example of taking the responsibility for not having a functioning Synergy program for a few days. 

I've been standing behind you.

Today I downloaded the Beta 2.0 beta3 and it works fine linking my Win 10 to my Linux Kubuntu. That's a good thing.


There can't be that many that you don't have an email list of the Beta testers that have been without the program for several days. An email of apology letting us know it's fixed would go a long way.

Maybe being a really old guy raised in Texas means I have a different idea of courtesy than young software engineers in Britain. 

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Well now I have to add that Julia's post would probably kept me from posting the above rant. Evidently we were typing at about the same time and had I seen her post I would have kept my typing fingers to myself.

BTW, this version of Synergy is smooth.

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  • Synergy Team
Nick Bolton

Sorry for the cloud server downtime and the "version not supported" problems, it really does suck that happened. We actually weren't aware of it because we hadn't added monitoring to the cloud server yet (but we're working on this right now). And because of having 1000% more forum posts, we were totally swamped. So apologies for the delay too. I really appreciate you taking the time to test our beta versions! It's been a rocky few days, and I wanted to thank you for weathering out the storm with us.

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Perhaps a lot of the forum chatter might be mitigated and reduce your workload, by proactive reporting of issues (like the downtime and version not supported) via a single voice communication to the beta testers, preferably via email as KK suggested and as a sticky on the forum to cover most bases.

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Thanks Nick, 

I'm proud to beta test a product that has been one of my favorites for years. 


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