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Prevent mouse from moving between computers?

Karl Kernaghan

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Karl Kernaghan

I have 2 computers and 2 monitors, but use dual screens on each. Is there a way that I can stop the mouse from moving between computers and only use a key combo? This is causing me to loose the mouse quite often. 

My current setup:

2 computers running Windows 10 Pro 64-bit (MacPro 1, 1 and Lenovo ThinkPad)

2 Monitors (both are connected to each computer so each has dual screens)

Synergy Version: 1.8.8-stable-25a8cb2

The MacPro is the server and using ethernet

The ThinkPad is the client and using WiFI

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Karl Kernaghan

@Paul Suarez Currently I am using CTRL + ALT + Left and Right arrow keys to switch between the 2 computers. These hot keys are working great. However, when I switch between computers I am also switching the display inputs on each monitor, as each computer needs dual monitors and I'd rather not have 4 displays. The mouse still travels between computers if I get to the edge of the screen. So I'm hoping that we have a way to "lock" the keyboard and mouse to a computer when using the hotkeys and not move between computers using the mouse.

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Karl Kernaghan

I found a solution. Enabling "Switch after waiting" and setting the value to 9999 achieves the functionality that I am looking for. Could this be added to a future release update? The ability to only switch with a hotkey? From the screenshot you'll see that there is a bit of room to fit the option in. :)


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Paul Suarez

You can actually do that right now by not setting the two screens to sit beside each other in Screens and links tab. ;)

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