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Clipboard not syncing


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I have a newish IMac running 10.12.6 beside a decade old iMac running 10.6.8 which I need for legacy business software. I bought Synergy last week v1.8.8 which runs on sierra but would not load on snow leopard, so on the old machine I loaded synergy 1.3.1 as client ... keyboard and mouse work fine with new iMac across both screens but no clipboard / file drag and drop, though both are checked in configuration. Where am I going wrong or are these versions not compatible

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Paul Suarez

Can you try to set the older machine to be the server temporarily and check if it has the option to enable clipboard sharing under configure server interface?

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OK , thanks for the reply ... tried to run in the opposite direction ... no go.    Looked for the enable clipboard option under server config. but it appears not to exist in 1.3.1 ... presume this means clipboard sharing was a later introduction. Can you point me to a later version that might run on MacOS 10.6.8?


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This version, v1.8.5 will not open either in Snow Leopard ... report attached.

Is there an earlier version to try, or could there be any workround? I am not very tecchie... thanks for your feedback

Synergy 1.8.5.crash.png

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  • 2 weeks later...
It seems that you do not have a download which I can use as client in MacOS 10.6.8 … which would enable me to sync the clipboard. I am still using Synergy 1.3.1 as client and mouse and keyboard are ok except for small glitches … sometimes I need to re type first character in a client field … modifier keys are mapped ok.
You have offered me a refund but I am just about ok with what I have … much better than trying to use two keyboards and mice
I copy and paste with dropbox when I need it … so no refund needed, thanks for the offer
    all the best
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