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Connection Issues


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So I dont know where to start so here it goes haha

(Primary) - [ UI ] [2017-07-29T12:17:33] INFO: Upload path: https://synergy-logs.symless.com/2017-07-29/835-2017-07-29T12-17-32.log

Now just to keep things straight both are Windows 10 x64 (with all updates) 2 PC's being used... (Primary - Server) is a Desktop (Secondary - Client) is a Laptop.

It says connected in the log on both PC's but will not allow my mouse to travel to Client PC. If i swap the roles (Server - Client) then i can sometimes use the trackpad to get onto my primary PC. but when i use the trackpad from my secondary (which is now acting as the server) it gets stuck on the primary PC (acting as the client) and i cannot get control back unless i REswap the roles of the PC's.

Second Part.

The event log needs to be bigger and with an option to pause... i was unable to obtain a log from my Secondary PC due to constant scrolling of log and small window in which to use for locating the address. a "Log Pause" would be really nice and a bigger window option would help out tremendously. TIA :)

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Heres an Updated Log that just happened... also (WARNNIG) is misspelt...


[ UI ] [2017-07-29T20:51:38] WARNNIG: no font file: Raleway.otf

[ UI ] [2017-07-29T20:51:38] INFO: log filename: C:/Users/Åpophis/AppData/Local/Symless/Synergy/synergy.log

[ UI ] [2017-07-29T20:51:41] DEBUG: new added screen pos: 257 161

[ UI ] [2017-07-29T20:51:42] INFO: write configuration file complete

[ UI ] [2017-07-29T20:51:42] DEBUG: Profile ID: 833 name: default

[Core] [2017-07-29T20:51:43] INFO: drag and drop enabled

[Core] [2017-07-29T20:51:43] DEBUG: opening configuration "C:/Users/�pophis/AppData/Local/Symless/Synergy/synergy.conf"

[Core] [2017-07-29T20:51:43] DEBUG: configuration read successfully

[Core] [2017-07-29T20:51:43] DEBUG: screen shape: 0,0 5760x1080 (multi-monitor)

[Core] [2017-07-29T20:51:43] DEBUG: window is 0x000a02fa

[Core] [2017-07-29T20:51:43] DEBUG: using desktop for drop target: C:\Users\�pophis\Desktop

[Core] [2017-07-29T20:51:43] DEBUG: adopting new buffer

[Core] [2017-07-29T20:51:43] DEBUG: opened display

[Core] [2017-07-29T20:51:43] DEBUG: active sides: 4

[Core] [2017-07-29T20:51:43] DEBUG: active sides: 4

[Core] [2017-07-29T20:51:43] DEBUG: clipboard changed: synergy owned

[Core] [2017-07-29T20:51:43] DEBUG: desk Default window is 0x000e024a

[Core] [2017-07-29T20:51:43] DEBUG: switched to desk "Default"

[Core] [2017-07-29T20:51:43] DEBUG: desktop is now accessible

[Core] [2017-07-29T20:51:43] DEBUG: registered hotkey ScrollLock (id=ef14 mask=0000) as id=1

[Core] [2017-07-29T20:51:43] NOTE: started server, waiting for clients

[Core] [2017-07-29T20:51:43] DEBUG: event queue is ready

[Core] [2017-07-29T20:51:43] DEBUG: add pending events to buffer

[Core] [2017-07-29T20:51:43] DEBUG: screen "WAR--MACHINE" shape changed

[Core] [2017-07-29T20:51:43] NOTE: accepted client connection

[Core] [2017-07-29T20:51:43] DEBUG: received client "WAR-MACHINE-JR" info shape=0,0 1920x1080 at -13957,32760

[Core] [2017-07-29T20:51:43] DEBUG: active sides: 4

[Core] [2017-07-29T20:51:43] NOTE: client "WAR-MACHINE-JR" has connected

[ UI ] [2017-07-29T20:51:45] DEBUG: connectivity test pass:

[ UI ] [2017-07-29T20:51:45] DEBUG: report to cloud: destId 1802 successfulIp failedIp

[ UI ] [2017-07-29T20:51:45] DEBUG: connectivity test pass:

[ UI ] [2017-07-29T20:51:45] DEBUG: connectivity test pass:

[ UI ] [2017-07-29T20:51:45] DEBUG: report to cloud: destId 1782 successfulIp, failedIp

[ UI ] [2017-07-29T20:52:24] INFO: Sending log file...

[ UI ] [2017-07-29T20:52:25] INFO: Upload path: https://synergy-logs.symless.com/2017-07-30/835-2017-07-29T20-52-24.log

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  • Synergy Team
Nick Bolton
On 7/30/2017 at 3:57 AM, DJ_DoubleU said:

Heres an Updated Log that just happened... also (WARNNIG) is misspelt...


[ UI ] [2017-07-29T20:51:38] WARNNIG: no font file: Raleway.otf

Oh god, how did we miss that? How embarrassing

On 7/29/2017 at 7:28 PM, DJ_DoubleU said:

The event log needs to be bigger and with an option to pause... i was unable to obtain a log from my Secondary PC due to constant scrolling of log and small window in which to use for locating the address. a "Log Pause" would be really nice and a bigger window option would help out tremendously. TIA :)



On 7/29/2017 at 7:28 PM, DJ_DoubleU said:

It says connected in the log on both PC's but will not allow my mouse to travel to Client PC.

Hmm, that'll be a bug in the screen snapping code. We're planning to fix that around beta5. Sorry for the hold up!

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