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Lagging at Edge of Screen


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So I just tested out Synergy between my desktop and laptop, it works perfectly. However when I stopped and quit out of synergy I noticed that my mouse would lag when switching chrome tabs, specifically when dragging the mouse against the top of my monitor. I found Synergy to be the issue as I uninstalled it and the issue went away. Just figured I should let someone know what the problem is if they're having it too. I hope they update and fix this soon this program is very useful to me. Cheers!



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Paul Suarez

Hi @Loops. The closest reason that I can think of to be the reason for this is...


  1. Your user account is an admin and runs Chrome with elevation(could also be using non-admin user account but elevated Chrome) but Synergy is not elevated to have admin rights.
  2. Or, Synergy is running with multiple instances(other instances does not have UI shown, plus elevated chrome and not elevated Synergy).

What I usually do is to manually stopping the Synergy services either from services.msc or end process/end process tree in Taskmgr.exe.

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Oh hello @Paul Suarez! And yes it was an Admin account it was running on, I'm not sure if Chrome is elevated or not but the thing is it wasnt just chrome, it was every monitor along the top edge (3 Monitors all the same). I should've mentioned that woops! And ok next time I'll try that solution, I didnt search for and end each process in task manager, which I definitely should have. Should I default Synergy to admin mode then? D'ya think that'd end up fixing the issue? Thanks!

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Paul Suarez

I don't want to confirm that it'll definitely be the fix @Loops. There's a lot of ifs to consider on that scenario. Please try it and let me know how it goes. Iv'e been trying to reproduce it on my end but I'm not getting any luck on it. :|

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