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Computer registered twice


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On my office I have two computer (OS X): barbarians & shamrock. The last one is shown two time on Synergy windows (on booth side). 

Connection between machine is long to be ok (green). When done, mouse can switch from "server" to "client". But after that impossible to come back on server (except by killing synergy).

Any idea ?



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I seem to be having the same issue as well with duplicated machines. My I-mac is listed twice but under two unique names due to resetting the computer name to iMac. There should be the option to remove a machine from our accounts on our end rather than having to resort to customer service to remove an erroneous computer. Computer names change creating duplicates and computers can be formatted down and re-installed. It simply makes sense that we should be able to remove computers ourselves and for that option to be easily accessible.

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On 7/26/2017 at 4:29 PM, Paul Suarez said:

Hi @Adam1228. We will be adding such option in the next beta versions. Please bear with us though. ;)

 Would it be possible to have my account reset to remove the erroneous computers?

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The reset doesn't work with me (if it was done :)... I am impatient that developer team found any solution (on V1 ou V2)...


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