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can't reopen synergy after clossing the window. menu icon missing. skipping screens moving from each computer


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I have two computers running mac os and synergy . one is 10.12 and the other is 10.11 ( i am not able to update this one to 10.12). on the 10.12 computer if i close the synergy window i can't open it back up. so if i stop it and click the x (close button) i can't get it to reopen. i have to restart to get it back up. I made it one of my start up processes so it auto opens when i restart.


also on the 10.11 computer there is an icon in the menu bar with the synergy logo and i am able to access it through that but on the 10.12 computer there is not one and i would like to have one this is the 10.11 computers menu bar.5974187978396_ScreenShot2017-07-22at8_30_23PM.png.ffc095349151819d57cdea483df61019.png


also sometimes when moving back and forth between them the mouse skips screens when moving back and forth. like i have 3 screens on one and then the 1 on the right of the 3 screens, when i move back to the left from the other computer it skips the two screens right next to it and goes to the very left.

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9 hours ago, Paul Suarez said:

Hi @bapexi. Please try using v1.9.0rc3 from the tagged thread below.


thank you for the help and this worked to fix the icon in the menu.

Still having problem with the cursor skipping screens though. so to explain my setup more. from left to right, main (server) computer, 2 screens to the right of it, then 1 other computer to the right of those that is a host. the cursor skips the two screens to the left of the host computer and goes to the right edge of the server computer.

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Paul Suarez

Please provide more details about your machines (OS, 32/64 bit, Synergy version installed, connected to the network via Ethernet or Wi-Fi, specify which one is the server). Also, post a screenshot of both machine's Synergy interface and the Server Configuration interface on your server machine.

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so the screen setup left to right is "server. main screen", "server. secondary screen", "server. third screen", and "client"

the server is running off of wifi and the client is wired. both are laptops if that helps.

Server. Main Screen.png

Server. secondary screen.png

Server. Third screen.png


Sever config.png

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