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failed to connect to server: Timed out


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I just purchased Synergy and installed on my main computer (Win 10 64-bit) and also my secondary computer (Win 10 64-bit). I keep getting the failed to connect to server over and over again. It is both Ethernet both hooked up to the same gigabit switch. I have included screenshots of the Client and the Server.



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Paul Suarez

Hi @Ambrose89. Sorry for the late reply on this. Have you tried to reboot both machines already? Please let me know if you need further assistance on this.

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I already figured it out. The program was givin me wrong IP addresses to connect to so I looked it up in command prompt and got it working 

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Paul Suarez

It's good to hear that it is now working for you @Ambrose89. I think what happened there is that you are seeing the cached IP values on Synergy's user interface. If the DHCP server gives out a new set of IP address for your machine while Synergy is still running in the background, it might not be able to refresh and show the new values without stopping it first and re-launching it by closing it and opening starting it again. :)

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