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Mac as Client and Windows as Server doesn't work


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since the latest update i did today my client Mac (MacBook Pro 13" 2011) is no longer connecting to my server PC (Windows 10).

The Output it gives on my Mac is the following:

[2017-07-20T15:25:39] INFO: log level: INFO
[2017-07-20T15:25:39] INFO: drag and drop enabled
[2017-07-20T15:25:39] NOTE: started client
[2017-07-20T15:25:39] NOTE: connecting to '':
2017-07-20 15:25:39.495 synergyc[622:14349] starting cocoa loop
[2017-07-20T15:25:43] WARNING: failed to connect to server: Network is unreachable
[2017-07-20T15:25:44] NOTE: connecting to '':


Kind regards


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Paul Suarez

Hi @excribo. Please provide more details about your machines (OS, 32/64 bit, Synergy version installed, connected to the network via Ethernet or Wi-Fi, specify which one is the server). Also, post a screenshot of both machine's Synergy interface and the Server Configuration interface on your server machine.

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The Mac OS ins the latest. Windows 10 is also up to date. The Synergy versions running are both 1.8.8. i'm using the WindowsPC as Server. The Server is connected via LAN to my Router, The Mac is connected via WIFI.

Screenshots follow :)

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