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Mouse stops working when switching from client to server


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Just got Synergy today.  Overall I'm very happy with it but I'm getting a very annoying periodic error where my mouse and keyboard become unresponsive when switching from the client to the server.  I'm using windows7 on both machines with my server using a dual monitor.  Periodically I try moving from client to server and the mouse and keyboard will freeze.  No mouse buttons work.  However, when I press alt-control-delete the client windows start screen pops up and I regain my mouse on my server side.  However, to access the client again I have to stop and restart the server.  I'm using version 1.8.8

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Paul Suarez

Hi @Izilude. Try to set the elevation level on your client machine.

  1. Click Edit
  2. Click Settings
  3. Set Elevate to Always
  4. Click OK
  5. Click Apply or Start

Let us know how it works.:)

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Hi @Paul Suarez,

I tried what you suggested and it didn't resolve my issue.  However, I think I figured out the cause.  I'm working VS2013 on my server computer and whenever I start an intensive CPU operation I seem to not be able to switch to my Client or if I do switch to the client, the mouse and keyboard becomes unresponsive when switching back.  I'm wondering if the server is getting blocked by this operation somehow?  After the operation on the server completes everything starts functioning normally again.

Weird issue.


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Paul Suarez

I see. Try to do this when you experience it again, CTRL+ALT+DEL to bring up the lock/user screen then escaping. You can also try to minimize VS before switching to client screen.

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