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The app cannot start on OSX 10.11.6


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The app was working pretty good this afternoon after turn on my Mac and this error appears:


The app was working pretty good this afternoon after turn on my Mac synergy send this error "The executable" /Applications/Syngergy.app/Contents/MacOS/synergys

Cannot succsesfully start, even when it exists. Please, check if you have enought permittions to execute the program.

How to fix this?

- I run over OSX El Capitan 10.11.6
- Synergy v. 1.8.8-stable-25a8cb2
- Boot computers connected over Ethernet cable
- This Mac it is the server


Captura de pantalla 2017-07-17 17.43.14.png

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Paul Suarez

HI @Eiran. Have you tried to reboot the that machine already? If not, please stop Synergy and close it and reboot.

Let us know how it goes after doing that.

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After several attempts I uninstalled, reboot and reinstall all over again and keeps the same error.
I forget the matter for a while and now it just working again, I totally don't get it.

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Paul Suarez

Sorry for that inconvenience @Eiran. For some reasons, Synergy is trying to use a probably old configuration file from your Mac's "/var/folders" path. Most of the files in there are logs, caches, could be program variable settings, files and even some system configuration database(s). From the look of it, it might be Mac's system itself triggered or it to use that path. I said that because it's normally owned  by the root user and manages is responsible for managing it.

Let us know if you'd need further help on this. ^_^

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