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Copy and Paste being blocked?


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I recently updated to the latest version (1.8.8) and i have since been experiencing some weird goings on when it comes to copying and pasting. The problems however are not with the copying between screens but rather the copy and paste of something on my pc to another window on the same pc and the copied data being lost in transit and my not being able to paste.

After some trial and error it seems that the latest version of synergy is what blocks/steals/deletes my clipboard. Having run a few tests with my usual software all open, running etc and also having nothing but one browser and notepad open it seems it is synergy that is affecting it due to the fact that the problem stops when i stop running synergy.

On my pc i run synergy as the server and on my mac synergy is the client, upon starting synergy i can share screens but the copy and paste on my pc stops working with no valid reason. Turning synergy off on my pc stops me being able to share mouse and keyboard with the mac as expected but also allows me to actually copy and paste between windows on my pc which is what leads me to believe the latest update might be causing my issues.

Is this something that others have experienced recently? if yes is there something i can do to fix the issue at all?

As always very much appreciate the support :)


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Paul Suarez

Hi @Phnx_14. Sorry to hear about that issue you are experiencing. Have you tried it without Synergy running on your machine? Do you experience the same thing?

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Hi Paul,

Thanks for the reply. Yes as i said i have tried completely shutting down synergy and copy and pasting works just fine between programs. As soon as i turn synergy back on the issue arises again.

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Paul Suarez

Hi @Phnx_14Please provide more details about your machines (OS, 32/64 bit, Synergy version installed, connected to the network via Ethernet or Wi-Fi, specify which one is the server). Also, post a screenshot of both machine's Synergy interface and the Server Configuration interface on your server machine. 

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