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Auto-start on boot


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So far, so good.  Using Windows 10x64 as the Synergy server & MacOS as a client.  

I was able to get the systems connected without too many hassles and was fairly intuitive.  Knowing before-hand that there weren't any configuration parameters, menus, etc. added to the "ease of configuration" because I wasn't frustrated looking for a non-existent menu/config system.

With 1.8.8, I struggled with the MacOS client ignoring primary mouseclicks after random time intervals/events.  I would always have to mouse over to the Windows server, open the Synergy GUI, click "Apply", wait for the Mac to reconnect, and then the primary mouseclick worked again.  So far I haven't seen this issue with 2.0beta2!  I'll keep watching for it, but hasn't happened in almost 2 days of use now.  

Question:  When/How will you address auto-start on Boot and "run as a service"?  

Keep up the good work!  Looking forward to beta3.  

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Paul Suarez

Hi @jayvee

15 hours ago, Nick Bolton said:

We are handling UAC and elevation in beta3 (coming in around 2-3 weeks), please wait until then.

This is coming from our CEO. ;)

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