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Minimize to system tray?


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This may just be a later to fix issue, but the windows in 2.0 do not close to system tray, they must stay open and you have to minimize them. When 2.0 is launched will it allow you to close it and upon close minimize to the system tray so It's not open on the task bar while in use?

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 8/2/2017 at 0:07 PM, Daniel Garcia said:

Was this bumped to beta-4?  beta-3 still treats closing the window as stopping synergy.


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  • Synergy Team
Nick Bolton

Sorry guys, we decided to spend some extra time on the service code to get it right, so it's been moved back to beta4. Sadly beta3 only contains minor bug fixes (nothing to get excited about). Annoyingly beta4 won't be ready for another month. Sorry to disappoint!

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