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Screensaver not activating.


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I hope this isn't repeated, but I can't see to find an answer.   Using the latest version of Synergy (1.8.8-stable-25a8cb2). Build date: 3-16-2017.

Setup is : Host is PC, client is a MacBook Pro

Setting: Host: Configure Interactively
Setting: Client: Autoconfig checked with IP address (ethernet) in the menu box.


  1. When PC screensaver activates -- the Mac's doesn't start. It is set to start after 10 minutes.  The next day (this is a work computer) - the Mac's screen saver is not activated, but the PC's is. Once I login on the PC - then the screensaver engages.   
  2. Sometimes I lose keyboard and mouse control on the PC - but they are active on the MAC.  - I am unable to resort control. The only way is to do hard reboot of the PC.

Any advise is appreciated.

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Paul Suarez

Please provide more details about your machines (OS, 32/64 bit, Synergy version installed, connected to the network via Ethernet or Wi-Fi, specify which one is the server). Also, post a screenshot of both machine's Synergy interface and the Server Configuration interface on your server machine.

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Window 7, 64 bit.
Ethernet connection and Wi-Fi  (both are always enabled)
Synergy (1.8.8-stable-25a8cb2). Build date: 3-16-2017

MacBook Pro, Sierra v 10.12.5
WIFI connection to the network
Synergy (1.8.8-stable-25a8cb2). Build date: 3-16-2017

I'm attaching screen shots.  I've also noticed that copy and paste from the client back to the server doesn't work with the mouse.  I can only right click and copy - then use keyboard to paste.  Also file copy and paste has never worked.




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Paul Suarez

Try to to set the elevation level of Synergy on your Windows Machine

  1. Click Edit
  2. Click Settings
  3. Set Elevate to Always
  4. Click OK
  5. Click Apply or Start

Let me know how it goes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Paul -- Tried that.. didn't work.  The mac's screen saver never gets activated.  It's set to 10 minute delay.

What else can I try?  

Also file drop and drag has never worked for me. 

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

I would suggest getting Microsoft's Mouse without Borders.  I was having the same issue with screensaver and power functions.  Not any more.  And, it's free.  Please note... I think it only works with Windows, so I would read the doc's before installing.

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