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Synergy OSX Sierra as Client how to get Login Control


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I sure I'm not the first person to ask about this
I have a Mac running sierra setup as a synergy client but so far I can not get keyboard & mouse control on the login screen.
Can you please provide a launch daemon or applicable procedure to address this issue.

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Paul Suarez

Unfortunately, you can only set Synergy to run after logging in. Although the feature of having it working before logging in (using the server's keyboard to log-in) is on our v2 roadmap.

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Sorry to hear that

This news means synergy is basically useless as an OSX client

what the startup command line?

maybe I can write my own launch daemon

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Paul Suarez

In all versions of OSX, you can have the user login automatically, and set Synergy as a Login Item, which will have it start up upon user login.

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Yea I'm already doing that

You do not seem to unserstand, I need keyboard and mouse control before login

whats the command line switch need to look like to accomplish that?

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Guest Andrew Nelless

@Donald Crockett Unfortunately it's not just a matter of running the correct command. We've had Synergy running on the OS X login window as a Pre-Login Agent, and further changes are required to the core to allow Synergy to take control of the keyboard and mouse in this context.

Work in this area is ongoing. We hope to deliver Synergy running as a service on all platforms over the next few betas

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Sure Ok

I just thought I long as synergy has been around you guys would have nailed this down

But please keep me posted

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