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Can not move or copy file PC to PC


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I have Synergy install on my pc and laptop both running windows 10 pro x64. I have the pc as the server and the laptop as the client. I don't know why but I can not drag and drop anything from pc to pc. I can't copy anything except text from pc to pc either. How can I get this feature working?

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Paul Suarez

Have you tried the steps from @Blonger?

On 6/22/2017 at 3:37 AM, Blonger said:

Hello there,

greetings from Germany.
I found a Solutions that worked for me and my Friends(Diffrent Plattforms Win 7 to 10 and 8 so 8.1 Mac.....)
We just changed the Log fromn Info to Debug 1 on Server and on the Client(`s).
[Also trie to disable SSL Encryption]
We reload the Config on Both an it worked just fine.
By Drag and Drop as well ass strg-c / -v.
I were able to change the log output to back to info and it still works.
For me this is a strange error, because effectivly i did nothing by it seems that something in the backend happend.....

Hope that this will Help.

Bye Blonger


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6 minutes ago, Paul Suarez said:

Have you tried the steps from @Blonger?


I'm not totally sure what you have done. I can't change the SSL Encryption cause its greyed out on both sides so I can't change that. As for different operating systems like win 7 and win 10 I'm not trying to wipe out either of my systems to reinstall an older OS to either of them. Now, do you think if I change the compatibility settings for the installer to win 7 on 1 system that it might work that way?

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